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Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

One of our aims as department is to continue the work of decolonising the university, recognising and amplifying the voices of those across the world who are marginalised or oppressed. This means respecting and perhaps sometimes assisting activists. Activists have, after all, been responsible for many of the progressive changes in society we now take for granted and it is vital we listen to those speaking truth to power We promote intercultural awareness and competence and are open in our work to different cultures, languages, and ways to see and interpret the world.

Our EDI Leads

Name Email Bio
Dr Janet Keliher Janet is part of HaSS Cornwall's EDI Committee, and one of the University's Speak Out Guardians.
Dr Shubranshu Shubranshu is part of HaSS Cornwall's EDI Committee, and helps lead our Decolonising Collective.
Professor Richard Noakes Richard is part of HaSS Cornwall's EDI Committee and his brief is to consult with staff on issues of gender equality and to spearhead actions that will remove inequalities, and which will form the basis of a submission for an Athena Swan award.